Join us in 2025 for the 18th Anniversary KOM Series!
Complete all three of the toughest Southern California Spring Centuries:
Mulholland Challenge, Breathless Agony and Heartbreak,
to earn the right to wear the coveted King of the Mountains jersey!
*All three rides must be completed in the same calendar year!
How The King of the Mountains Challenge Works
It’s simple really. To be honored with the title “King of the Mountains Official Finisher,” and earn the right to wear the coveted finisher jersey, you must complete each of the three qualifying events in one calendar year. This means showing up for the ride, following the rules of each ride, pedaling every mile without deviation, and making sure your times are recorded at any required checkpoints and the finish lines. Easy, right?
Which Rides Count in 2025
Mulholland Challenge: Agoura Hills, CA. Ride up, over, and along mountain peaks and ridges, along the coast, and through a multitude of canyons in the Santa Monica Mountains. It’s pretty much up or down all day, with very few “flat” sections.
80 miles with 9600′ climbing. (While there are shorter distance options on the Mulholland Challenge, you MUST complete the 80 mile option to receive credit for the King of the Mountains Challenge!)
Breathless Agony: Redlands, CA. Rising from its own ashes, the original Stage 2, is back! Meet the Grim Reaper atop Onyx Summit after climbing 10,700′ in 70ish miles. It’s a party at the top, and then you can cruise back to Redlands at your leisure.
Heartbreak: Lebec, CA. Come discover 57 miles of lightly traveled roads close to home you probably didn’t know existed. The start in Lebec is just off the 5 freeway north of Los Angeles, at the base of the Grapevine. A great course with 58 miles with 7400′ climbing.
King of the Mountains Challenge Stage Race
Completing all three of these incredibly tough centuries is a feat to be proud of – and we’ll acknowledge everyone who takes the Challenge, fast and not-so-fast. We know and appreciate that many (maybe most) riders participate in cycling events just for the fun of it – to ride new roads, meet new friends, and enjoy the energy that comes with being part of an event. We dig that.
We also know and appreciate that there’s a super competitive spirit out there too. So, for those of you who want to get out there and see if you can kick each other’s butts, each of the three rides are timed, and the results posted in order of total ride time. The three times will be combined for the King of the Mountains Stage Race – and special awards will be given to the top 3 male and female finishers. If there are more than 10 finishers in the 50+ or 60+ age categories, top 3 will be awarded to age groups.
Please note that if a 50+ or 60+ person has the fastest overall time, that person, regardless of their age is the overall winner. A younger person in the “open” category cannot win overall if their time is slower than an age grouper. “Overall” means “Overall.” It’s the fastest person, no matter how young or old they are. It doesn’t matter how USA Cycling or USCF handles their results. We’re not technically racing, and we don’t follow the guidelines for either of those organizations.
How Planet Ultra King of the Mountains Official Finishers Are Recognized
Results are posted online and finishers are acknowledged in Planet Ultra social media and newsletter.
We’ll have snazzy, and very exclusive, cycling jerseys and shorts that only Planet Ultra King of the Mountain Official Finishers will be privileged to obtain and wear. Official Finishers may order their gear at the finish at Heartbreak (for delivery, most likely, in late August) . To honor our female riders, we also offer Queen of the Mountains gear – which has the same design as the King jersey, except it says Queen, and all of the parts that are red will be pink instead. (Queen jerseys require we have a minimum of 6 orders.)
Click here for results.